Tag Archives: Cosmetics

Be on Gluten guard for sources and origins unknown

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Sunblocks, lotions, other topical creams, and cosmetics can be a major and often overlooked source of gluten, not to mention the chemical content .  This is one of those grey areas where the prolamines (gluten proteins) find their way into products during manufacturing when in combination with other ingredients are used as medicinal agents, filler additives or binding agents. Uber sensitive Celiacs should take extra caution and diligent when researching and selecting products to meet their needs. Since celiac disease has been documented to be more common among females I question the role or impact, (if any), the lotions, topical gels, creams, masks, ointments, cleansers, and more specifically the plethora of ‘beautifying cosmetics’ may have in exacerbating autoimmune responses in the genetically predisposed women or possibly contributing along with other factors to the development Celiac itself.  The vast selection of these products are filled with protein combo formulas, random additives, dyes,  scents and so many more ingredients than actually required to be effective or even beneficial.  Of course there are minimal parts of harmful ingredients (including wheat derivatives, etc) in a each individual packaged product not posing significant harm to the body on a per use basis…but as these products are massaged into one’s skin, coated onto lips/ around the eyes, clogging pores for decades its difficult to believe that there isn’t  at least some residual build up over the years exposure to the of not just gluten, or allergens but considering the additives, chemicals and sometimes toxins who knows how the body is adapting and evolving (or de-volving) from constant exposure, regardless of how much or little the doses may be.

Fortunately, whether it be mandatory dietary needs or personal preference, options are increasing for those who seek alternative choices for healthier lifestyle and many with surprisingly reasonable prices too which may surprise and people consider can be rare when shopping for Gluten Free, Organic, Natural Food Products . There are genuine and responsible producers and growers in everyone’s local economies who provide top quality, natural products in addition to companies which have never included additives like gluten, setting themselves apart from the profiteers taking. The challenge for them, and the consumer as well, is being able to weed out the make smart decisions regarding diet, nutrition and the food we choose to eat while supporting local growers as much as possible. low nutrient In the end the support local growers and make the easy choice to advantage of “gluten free wave” by flooding the store shelves these days…

After the food label detective work and due diligence with ingredient sources/origins and manufacturing process, which has become standard practice when trying all new brands, the following products from Herbs ProVen can be counted on to offer the assurance, reliability and quality for even the most sensitive celiac…. no adverse celiac triggers or autoimmune reactions or hidden exposures … good luck! 

Sun Damage Repair Serum 

by DeVita Natural Skin Care

√ Gluten Sensitive Safe and no GMO’s

For moderate to heavy skin irregularities ...

√ 100% GLUTEN FREE makeup

By RedAppleLipstick 

Lipstick, Lipgloss, Liners and much more.

Gluten Free Eyeshadows from Red Apple Lipstick

Gluten Free Lipstick & Lipgloss

Active Face Sticks SPF30 Sunscreen 0.5 oz

by Beyond Coastal

√ Gluten Free 

SPF Sunscreen

→TIP: If in doubt…nothing is better for your skin than 3 drops of extra virgin olive oil

For friends in the U.K. with Coeliac

With so many consumer products that contain gluten (in various forms) it should be no surprise (although worrisome) that mouthwash, toothpaste and lots of other personal oral care products are no different and can often be  a source in which the prolamines (gluten protiens) that can lead to inflammation or autoimmune responses can be tricky to identify.  Typically one wouldn’t see any ingredient on the label that ressembles gluten or wheat but see ingredients they don’t recognize (made of a combination of proteins, medicinal ingredients and other additives) which have names that are difficult to spell and pronounce unless you are a chemist and difficult. Non-food consumer products manufactured for the specific intent of being exposed to the mouth and absorbed into the body like over the counter pharmaceuticals, might be overlooked for the recently diagnosed celiac and preventing healing.  The parts per million may be low and have no impact of some not-so-sensitive celiac but if you are struggling to heal and can’t figure out why… why risk a glutening when the chance for hidden exposure within the ‘impossible to spell’ ingredients  can be so high?  Don’t forget that these types of exposure aren’t so apparent or predictable…when the guard is down the gluten strikes!  all the time and can be easily over looked. 

… in Tom’s we trust!

Gluten Free house & home products